The Multiplication Workhorse Let's begin again with a problem. Can you easily multiply 484 × 5 in your head? If so, then how about 3261 × 5? By the end of this post, you will be able to easily multiply any number by five provided you have mastered doubling and halving discussed in my previous posts. Multiplication by five is the workhorse of martian mathematics. At least it is for the intermediate methods of multiplying times 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. More on that in a later post. I think that everyone would agree that aside from multiplying by one, nothing is easier than multiplying by ten—just add a zero onto the end of the number. For example, 37 × 10 = 37 0 , 271 × 10 = 271 0 , and hell × 10 = hell 0 . Well, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea: just tack a zero onto the back of the number when multiplying by ten. Multiplying by five is almost as easy as multiplying by ten because five is just half of ten. Usi...